
ACDA realizes the importance of Human resources, so since the beginning it trains and develops the skills of the mothers of the children with special needs, to enable them to spread awareness of the rights of people with special needs. Also, ACDA has established a unit for training, and add the training as an essential activity to all its projects. The training unit is responsible for assessing the training needs for the employees, then setting interventions plans for raising their capabilities according to their role. Training also includes beneficiaries at all levels; men – women – youth – children – people with special needs, community leaders – religious leaders– government officials – parents – lawyers.

Since 1997, ACDA paid great attention to building the institutional capacities of the local CDAs, besides building the capacities of the individuals, in order to ensure the work sustainability when it relays on trained personnel and powerful systems

Up till now, ACDA contributed in building the capacities of 159 Community Development Association; some of them could receive several funds, others become an umbrella or pivotal NGO that can help local CDAs through partnership

NGO Support Center

Assiut Childhood and Development Association supported and built the capacities of numerous CDAs in development field.

From 1997 to 1999,ACDA implemented ” NGOs Support Center” with the aim of developing the capabilities of 15 NGOs in Assiut in public administration and financial management, by implementing the following interventions: –

  • Training programs for developing the skills and capabilities of the board of directors, workers, and volunteers, according to training needs assessments for the groups.
  • Technical assistance for satisfying the CDA’s special needs.
  • Visits and meetings for exchanging experiences and finding out different models of NGOs working in various areas of development.
  • Providing all NGOs in Assiut with readable and visual information resources.
  • offering a financial sub-grant, about 15 thousand pounds, to the partner CDAs in order to help them make use of the acquired experiences and skills through implementing projects.

Developing good governance systems and practices

ACDA’s NGO Support Center continued evolving the internal governance systems and practices of NGOs, aiming to achieve the following goals:

  1. Increasing the efficiency of the CDAs’ good governance.
  2. Identifying new models and methods of good governance.
  3. Offering information resources about development fields and good governance.

NGO Consulting Center

fter the end of the good governance project and the NGO Support Center projects, ACDA has a notable experience in the institutional capacity building for NGOs, training, technical support as well as offering information sources.

So, for investment these experiences, ACDA established the NGO consulting center, in order to provide training and consulting services, offering and publishing development- related information, fund raising and networking. As well as building the institutional capacities of NGOs and strengthening relations among them.

NGO consulting center implement its activities through the following units
Training Unit: which is responsible for organizing training programs and technical support, performing institutional assessment and capacity building plans, organizing visits to exchange experiences among CDAs.
Human resources Unit: manage volunteering efforts and the computer center.
Media and information Center: it includes a library with various books in development, and is responsible for designing websites, preparing manuals, organizing conferences, designing advertising publications.

The center worked on enhancing the institutional capacities for 150 partner CDA and enabled them to achieve sustainable development for their communities. The CDA’s boards of directors became aware of the principles of good internal governance and practice them and had a vision and a mission that they strive to achieve within their communities as well as a strategic plan that consider community participation and a policies and procedures guide.ACDA still implement many projects relating to capacity building, because of its abiding faith in the importance of capacity building in development and serving communities.

Volunteering Unit

Because of the importance of the human resources efforts in developing communities, ACDA has established a volunteering unit, that aims to developing human resources, making use of their capacities and energies, as well as consolidating the idea of participation and volunteering. The average number of volunteers in ACDA has reached 20 volunteers annually in different specialties, in addition to 600 village volunteers through the various community committees. All the volunteers are subjected to ACDA’s volunteering guide that includes a job description of the volunteer’s tasks. It also includes how to attract and motivate volunteers, evaluate and keep them active. Moreover, ACDA, analyzes its activities to determine its needs of volunteers and specifications on a regular base.


ACDA always welcomes people who want to serve their communities.